Web Design

Mass communication is becoming cheaper all the time and the internet plays an important part in this.

I can supply you with everything from a full service to smaller project assignments. Full service is where you don't have to do a thing yourself. I register your domain name and book space for you on a webserver, upload the pages and teach you how to maintain them. If you prefer, I can also maintain them for you.

Try out the websites opposite. It can give you an idea to the kind of website you prefer. The first two links (no. 1 and 2) are for sites I like and the last two for sites I will not recommend.

On webpages, in general, it is important to avoid that too much is going on at the same time. A lot of links without a clear and logic structure can render the visitor confused and he/she will soon lose interest.
This is particularly true with websites without focus - i.e. a website with links on the left and in the top and focus on the bottom right. If you make links from your focus area that has a bearing on the overall structure, the visitor will get confused.

I will also recommend that you don't use webprogramming which require browser plugins. Third party companies make applications which extend the functionality of the browser and you can only view the page if you have the plugin installed. I don't believe people have the time and energy required to download and install those plugins.

If you are not on the Net now, I would say you'll be there in two years time. And if you are not then, probably something is wrong with your business.

Get yourself a professional website now! It is cheaper than you think. Please contact me - It will be my pleasure to do you justice on the web...